Too Bad
Too bad this had to be submitted to the portal at least 4 times untill it got the score you wanted.
It was an ok movie, not something I ever really wanted to watch over and over again, just charachters running through sprite backgrounds.
Too Bad
Too bad this had to be submitted to the portal at least 4 times untill it got the score you wanted.
It was an ok movie, not something I ever really wanted to watch over and over again, just charachters running through sprite backgrounds.
It wasnt really like that. I first happened to sumbit it 2 times by mistake. Then everyone got real mad and said i was a fucking looser to submit my movie twice, so i deleted them. Then i resubmited it a week later.
kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty
If only the cat actually danced for us.
Not bad
The voices were pretty bad though. Between the computer voices and how muffled they were it was hard to make out all the details of what was going on. The art was decent and there was a story, so it was still a respectable submission.
A long strange trip. I think that the beginning needs to make clear that the black and white movie is only an intro and not the full movie itself. I'm sure alot of people may have voted on that little silent film rather than the full bizarre whole.
Usually when people put up good looking trailers the movies aren't much more than the trailer. This movie was damned impressive, done in a style of its own, (except for some sprite explosions which didn't really fit in) I feel priviledged to get a protection point from this film. The only addition that could be made is some apt voices for the charachters. If Disk 2 will have more of everything than Disk 1 I expect to be very very impressed.
Nice gag
A nice quick funny clever gag. Unfortunately it looks like small file 0-voters are going to kill this. Sad. very sad.
Thanks.. yep sad it will get blammed.. But I don't wan't to take any CREDIT for this.. It's just something from a MONTY PYTHON EPISODE I DID A REMAKE OF IN FLASH.. only thing I take credit for is the art-work and sounds which I made.
You have good art and animation skills, but the story needs to be drawn out more. Just as soon as a viewer gets into the story, sees what the beast does/is capable of the movie ends. Either a confrontation with the beast or some small twist (the beat evilly following someone into a new house) would have ended things very nicely.
Thanks man im gonna make beast two and im gonna put your name on a gravestone TimScheff
Looking through the different Fred's Eye movies, there is clearly some improvement between them. The highlighted/shaded faces are in a nice style. The voice work could be better, the voices aren't mature sounding enough for the artwork. The bigest drawback, and it applies to the whole series, is that the episodes are too short to really develop a connection to the story. Parts of the earlier movies could probably be integrated into a beginning/ backstory and attached to a longer episode, getting people up to speed quickly and more engrossed in the story.
Fred's eye is by no means great, but it definately is a much more respectable submission than most of what gets submitted to the portal.
The fourth one is a lot better an i know the whole series is shit but the fourth ones ok
Age 47, Male
Madison, WI
Joined on 4/28/03